Natasha Lare

Sep 5, 2018

When You Look In The Mirror What Do You See?

When you look at your reflection what do you see??
A year ago I wasn’t sure what I saw... I was too tired to look past the bags under my eyes or further than the next 16hour Shift.

I still had the mindset that I could only make extra 💰 but constantly working, that success outside of the 9 to 5 was rare and that I had to BUST ASS to create the life of my dreams 🤦🏽‍♀️.

That life was exhausting, it left me sleep deprived and #stressed 😩.

I got fed up with it and my mind was opened to FINALLY see 👯‍♀️women around me doing EXACTLY what I wanted to do. Living with BALANCE, traveling, paying off debt, and doing it with extra streams of income from home businesses.
I got over my damn self and decided if they could do it, then why not me? Why not you?🙋🏽‍♀️
In January, I found a #business that offered a great product, focused on health and backed by clinical research and I got started. Now I work ONE nursing job instead of TWO, I’m relieved to finally be paying down my #debt, and feel like I can finally breathe 💆🏽‍♀️
If you can relate to any of that 👆🏽 and want more info about what I’ve done and how I’ve done it, send me a message ✉️. If I can do this and still love it 8 months later than so can you! Stop struggling and start looking for solutions.

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