Natasha Lare

Dec 2, 2018

My First Vision Board Happy Hour

Have you ever created a vision board?

I'll be honest, I've only ever made a modest attempt.... aka drawn things on a piece of paper and called it a vision board LOL!

Last night was different, very different! I got together with a group of bad ass women to create a REAL vision board. With scissors, glue sticks, magazines, scrap book paper etc! And while it's a work in progress it felt amazing to do it together as a group and share our visions with each other. It almost felt like a mini mastermind session. The next bit I plan to add will be photos of women who inspire me and their qualities that I want to embody!

Meet Kiersten! She is running for Miss California! WOW right?! She and I both work for the same company, a network marketing company called Monat! We've both been craving connection with other women who are entrepreneurs and came together along with Erika, to host and lead a vision boarding party.

Its funny because we didn't do very much marketing or inviting to the event and still had an amazing group of women show up! In total we were seven. Three of us were from our company Monat, one photography, one accountant, one medical assistant who is also running for Miss California, all building brands online.

My Vision Board, not quite complete but still exciting!

I write my vision daily in my Erin Condren Life Planner and Notebook but I wanted something that i could put on the wall, something that reminds me on a daily basis. The whole point of our vision boarding happy hour was to set our vision for 2019. If the sky was the limit, what would we want to accomplish in 2019? The FOREFRONT of my vision is creating a life that I can love. One where I get to travel, work once a month as a #nurse without the stress and burnout of working full time, empower other nurses into entrepreneurship as the top recruiter, travel without worrying about money, earn my paid for Cadillac that our company offers and start a family.

What would you do in 2019 if the sky was the limit for you?

It was so interesting to hear all of our visions! Despite being different ages, coming from such different backgrounds. We all had a vision where we were #madeformore. A vision where we left impact, where we elevate our lives to one that feels free. We all wanted to take ownership and responsibility for create our dream job instead of working for someone else. I actually shared a new piece of my vision which I didn't place on the board yet. To create a non-profit organization that provides self care and trauma counseling for parents in the Neonatal ICU (#nicu), with the hopes of strengthening the marital bond while caring for their infants in the NICU. That was so scary to say out loud but it's something thats been steady on my heart since taking on my current primary in the hospital.

I have one regret about our happy hour.... it was too short! We held it in the club house at my apartment complex. The space was reserved for two hours, and honestly none of us finished our vision boards. We talked so much and shared so much in the beginning, introducing ourselves etc, that we probably needed TWO more hours! Live and learn right? We're planning to host another event in Janrurary 2019 and we'd love to have you join us! Whether you're interested in our business, want to network with positive local women, or just need a girls night, we'd love to have you! Fill out that contact form at the bottom of my page OR just your email/IG handle in the comment section of this post and I'll give you the deets on our next #madeformore event!

