Natasha Lare

Aug 7, 2018

Beach Hair Don't Care

I live for the #beach. Wait, I live for laying on the beach in my bikini, with my dog as my pillow. Yep we do that, and I don't know why he tolerates it LOL. But seriously curlies, I was born and raised in San Diego California and one of my fondest memories is spending summers at the beach, everyday. When I was in elementary school, my mother owned a daycare and each day, during the summer, she piled all the kids in the car and headed to the beach. We splashed around, made sand castles, nearly drowned, but somehow survived without my mom needing to put a toe in.

How To Tame Yo Frizz

Then we'd get home, the kids would all go home and she would look at me with those fiery eyes... and I knew it was #hairwash time!!!! Who doesn't remember their mom washing and combing and trying to detangle the knots and dreads that came with a day in the ocean and sand? I think I'll relive those painful memories forever! Luckily as an adult the beach has become so much easier. And after a day in the long hot sun I can CHOOSE, yes! I finally have the choice to wash my hair or not. I usually choose not to, unless I actually got in the ocean and got my hair wet.

This weekend, I didn't get my hair wet but my boyfriend, chewy and I spent A LOT of time out in the hot sun, and my hair suffered. We went on a 3 hour hike Friday morning, 2 hours at the Alameda Beach on Saturday, and another whopping 3 hour hike on Sunday. My hair was DONE by Sunday Night! My #haircolor looked a little dull, my ends were parched and I basically looked like a train hit a woman with her finger in the light socket. So I had no choice but wash, hydrate and pamper my thirsty locks.

This is SOOOOO important you guys. If you want healthy hair you have to be proactive with nourishing and hydrating it. Especially if you're a bleach blonde sunshine junkie like me! This isn't some rule I hold just for myself either. I switched the products for EVERYONE, my boyfriend, dog, mom and sister to a natural, plant based line and I am in love with the results, and health we've all had with our hair. Especially since its helping my boyfriend's thinning bald spot thicken!

Here are my go-tos for a wash day after a weekend of full on sun:

(1) Smoothing shampoo x2 .

(2) Smoothing conditioner, let sit 5 minutes then detangle, completely rinse.

(3) Leave-In conditioner and Oil, emulsify together, finger comb through hair.

(4) Split end mender, 3 pumps, finger comb through hair.

(5) Mousse and oil, scrunch through hair

(6) Pineapple hair in microfiber towel x 10 minutes then let air dry.

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